Fires is a TV show on ABC. Fires is an Australian drama series that was written for television and created by Australian directors and screenwriters Belinda Chayko and Tony Ayres (Stateless, Clickbait). It is an anthology series consisting of six parts about the devastating bushfires that rampaged through Australia as part of the 2019-2020 bushfire season and how they affected the lives of those who survived. Also known as the Black Summer, during this period the fires killed at least 24 people, destroyed close to 6,000 structures, and burnt almost 20 hectares of land. Fires features a large, mostly Australian cast including Australian actress Eliza Scanlen (Home & Away, The First Lady) as young volunteer firefighter Tash, Aboriginal Australian actor Hunter Page-Lochard (Les Norton, Wentworth) as another volunteer firefighter called Mott, and English-Australian actor and writer Sam Worthington (Manhunt: Unabomber, Love My Way) as Glen Findlay.
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