Heartbeat is a TV show on GEM. Heartbeat is a British police drama series written for television and set in the North Riding of Yorkshire in the 1960's. The series follows a group of police detectives in Aidensfield, a village in the North Riding of Yorkshire, and the fictional town of Ashfordly. It has been based on, and inspired by, the Constable books by Nicholas Rhea, an ex-policeman. The success of Heartbeat translated into broadcasting deals for various territories around the world, including New Zealand, the Netherlands and Seweden. The show has won two ITV Programme of the Year Awards, the award for Best Performing Peak-Time Drama in 1999, and the Norwegian award for Best European Drama in 2007, amongst several other awards and nominations. The program has been available since 2024. A total of 22 episodes have been broadcast, most recently in January 2025.
Mike plans to marry Jackie in secret, but the search for an armed train robber threatens to keep him from getting to the church on time. Meanwhile, Greengrass faces another kind of crisis : his charismatic sister Isabelle turns up in Aidensfield, and proves to be more than a mat...
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