Two Greedy Italians... Still Hungry

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Two Greedy Italians... Still Hungry

Italian men used to be 'macho', able to stand up for their honour, woo women and do the tough things that men do. In Rome - where fathers sent their sons to become 'men' - Gennaro and Antonio look at the modern Italian man and ask if there is still a place in Italy for 'macho' m...

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Season 2
Chefs Antonio Carluccio and Gennaro explore Italian resourcefulness through the enterprising food skills of the Lombards. Gennaro tests if he has the ability to live by l'arte di arrangiarsi (the art of making do), and insists that he and Antonio only eat what food they can get for free. They enjoy chestnut gnocchi, bresao...
In the first episode, Antonio and Gennaro revisit the food of their Italian childhood as they recall just how healthy and delicious children's food can be. Antonio divulges the secret of his silver service hot packed school lunches, while Gennaro shares the childhood mystery of the ritual pig kill.