The Gunfather

The Gunfather is a TV show on Seven. The program has been available since 2024. A total of 7 episodes have been broadcast, most recently in June 2024.
Last broadcast:24/06/2024 at 21:16
Last episode

The Gunfather
Times are tough as Lou and family meet bikers, the town and a cowboy as they search for collectable guns. Lou learns what it means to do the right thing, give back and have a little faith.
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Small town gun shows bring out the characters. Lou’s perfectionism clashes with the culture as he learns to value his new home and his family.

Lou’s wife T Bone steps up and makes her presence known in Lou’s world. He learns what it means to have a rock star for a partner.

A $25,000 gun arrives broken. Lou has to scramble to repair it just as daughter Allie comes home for a visit. Lou struggles not to lose the big payday and learns he can’t always control the outcome.

The big gun shows up at the store and selling it winds Lou up to the breaking point. His wife T-Bone says Lou has to find a way to calm down. Lou finds out what therapy he really needs.

Passing along tradition is big in the gun world. Lou comes to grips with his own Father/Son relationships as he creates the perfect Father/Son moment for his client.

Lou drags his family to Montana to buy and sell guns. Lou learns what it takes for a outsider to survive small town America and build a new home with his family.