The Curious Case Of Natalia Grace

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The Curious Case Of Natalia Grace

Michael's trial is at hand, and he must face the consequences of his actions toward Natalia as Kristine's trial looms.

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Season 1
During the trial, Michael Barnett turns to his former wife, a mysterious witness who has information that could impact both of the Barnetts.
The Barnetts abandon Natalia in an apartment with no food, air-conditioning, electricity or phone service. Now, the police get involved.
Natalia wreaks havoc at her new apartment by sexually propositioning and stalking the residents.
Michael Barnett reveals Natalia tried to poison and harm them as the Barnett's own lies surface. This information leads to the question--is there more than one villain here?
Natalia, an alleged 6-year-old Ukrainian orphan, turns into a nightmare when the Barnetts learn she may not be six years old and may not be Ukrainian.