The Bay
The Bay is a TV show on Seven. The Bay is a crime drama television series that was produced by British television production and distribution company Tall Story Pictures (Hell's Kitchen, Celebrity Fit Club) and aired on ITV. The show is about Detective Sergeant family liaison officer Lisa Armstrong, who is involved in an investigation into missing twins from a family living in Morecambe, a coastal town in Lancashire, in western England. The name of the series is derived from Morecambe Bay in the same area. The Bay has on several occasions been labelled as “the Northern Broadchurch”, in reference to the successful British crime drama series Broadchurch. The show features Scottish actress Morven Christie (Grantchester, The A Word) as DS/DC Lisa Armstrong, English actress Lindsey Coulson (EastEnders, Clocking Off) as Lisa's mother Penny Armstrong, and English actor Joe Absolom (EastEnders, Doc Martin) as Lisa's ex-husband Andy Warren.
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