Tareq Taylor's Nordic Cookery

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Tareq Taylor's Nordic Cookery

After making an intial trip to this special archipelago in Season 1, Tareq goes back to Aland to explore more of this island territory.

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Season 2
The mountains and months of snowfall in Trysil mean that this winter sports town has to be creative when it comes to what they can do locally.
Tareq pays a visit to the western part of Denmark, where he explores the region called Midtjylland.
Situated north of Scotland, living on this collection of eighteen islands has always be a struggle for survival.
In each episode, chef Tareq Taylor explores a Nordic region, searching out fantastic ingredients, meeting extraordinary people, and preparing his own versions of delicious recipes along the way.
Season 1
Tareq heads out to Aland, a group of 6700 islands situated between Sweden and Finland.
Tareq arrives in Kiruna, over 200km north of the Arctic Circle. With the weather getting down to -30C, this does not deter the locals from being outside for sport and food preparation.
Tareq takes a late autumn trip along Finland's southern coast.
Tareq is in his hometown of Malmo-Sweden's third largest city. Built upon the backs of herring in the sea, the town is now a centre of culture and technology with a bridge connecting it to Copenhagen.
Bergen is a thousand-year-old city built on the back of the seafood trade especially cod.
Far above the Arctic Circle, Tareq explores the wild country around Jokkmokk.
Tareq takes the ferry out to Bornholm, a Danish island that has seen its share of invaders and reluctantly took part in WW2.
In this episode, Tareq visits Lund, a thousand-year-old city in southern Sweden. Lund is surrounded by the richest farmland in the country, and we explore nearby islands.