Poldark is a TV show on ABC. Poldark is a British historical drama television series that is based on the books of the same title by the English novelist Winston Graham. It was written and adapted for the BBC by English write and producer Debbie Horsfield (The Riff Raff Element, Cutting It) and directed by various directors throughout the years. The series revolves around the return of Captain Ross Vennor Poldark, the titular character, to the English town of Cornwall after the American War of Independence in 1783. Once there, he quickly discovers that few things are like they were when he left three years earlier and he will need to find ways to deal with this. Aidan Turner (Desperate Romantics, The Clinic) portrays Captain Poldark, while English actress Eleanor Tomlinson (Jack the Giant Slayer, Colette) plays Demelza Carne, Poldark's main counterpart in the series.
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