Pine Gap
Pine Gap is a TV show on ABC. Pine Gap is an Australian-American drama and spy thriller series written for television, and created by Logie Award-winning Australian screenwriter and television producer Greg Haddrick (The Informant, Underbelly) for streaming giant Netflix. The series is set around the Australian-American joint defence intelligence facility and satellite surveillance base located at Pine Gap, in Australia's Northern Territory. Pine Gap features American actor Parker Sawyers (World on Fire, The Mummy) as Gus Thomson, an American mission director, Australian actress and model Tess Haubrich (Alien: Covenant, Bleeding Steel) as Serbian-Australian communications intelligence officer Jasmina Delic, and Australian actress Jaqueline McKenzie (Bloom, Romper Stomper) as Australian deputy chief of the Pine Gap facility Kath Sinclair. The series was produced by Australian television production company Screentime, the creative minds behind popular shows and formats such as Popstars, Underbelly, and Janet King.
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