Our Town

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Our Town

The Peel is one of WA’s fastest growing population centres, and if you want to visit there are unlimited opportunities to experience some amazing countryside, and attractions.

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Season 8
The City of Joondalup is recognised as one of WA’s leading local governments, and is making a name for itself as a ‘region of opportunity’.
The City’s of Swan’s central hub of Midland is accessible, connected, and a destination moving ahead in leaps and bounds. Now is a great time to be in Midland.
WA’s Murchison GeoRegion is home to some of the most ancient lands on the planet, a region full of rich culture and stories from thousands of years ago.
Casey, in Melbourne’s south-east, is one of the fastest growing regions in Australia, a destination with unlimited opportunities for growth.
Western Australia’s Northern Goldfields, taking in the outback towns of Leonora and Laverton. a region with a proud history, and wide open lands that tell so many stories.
Norfolk Island is a destination like no other, where pristine waters meet magical landscapes, an adventurer’s paradise, and an island shaped by history and culture.