Ocean Parks

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Ocean Parks

They liked what they saw - and in 1959, established the Bahamas National Trust. It created the Bahamas' first Ocean Park - The Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park.

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Season 1
The Mesoamerican Reef is the second-longest barrier reef in the worl. It is a pristine ocean ecosystem - but after decades of overfishing and tourist activity, much of this reef is in jeopardy.
On the West Coast of the United States, the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary is the largest marine sanctuary in the country - home to 525 species of fish, and a massive, underwater Kelp forest.
Examininng the importance of three marine habitat types in the Florida Keys including the animals within them and conservationists' efforts to protect them.
Deep in the South Caribbean Sea we explore the protected waters of the Bonaire National Marine Park; home to thriving reefs, endangered sea turtles, sprawling mangroves and a plethora of marine life.