I Went Undercover

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I Went Undercover

A woman suspected of murder starts flirting with the cop sent to bring her down. But the two develop an unusually close relationship and begin plotting another murder.

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Season 1
Two old friends commiserate about their exes on social media, joking around about hiring a hitman. The jokes turn deadly serious when an actual murder plot begins to formulate.
A love triangle ends in murder, but when secret tapes emerge, a tale of friendship, love and betrayal engulfs a small town and leaves everyone wondering just what happened.
A teenager approaches police with a tip about a friend's shocking crime only to find himself on a bizarre odyssey to clear his own name.
Police receive a tip that a Florida businesswoman seeks to hire a hitman. As they delve further into her past, they find that murder-for-hire may be just the tip of the iceberg.
A Utah man's traumatic memories of childhood molestation spur him to confront his predator - and record the entire conversation.