
Floogals is a TV show on ABC Kids. The program has been available since 2024. A total of 49 episodes have been broadcast, most recently in July 2024.
Last broadcast:29/07/2024 at 10:33
Last episode

What could Girl Hooman be making? And why is there a heart shape on everything? The Floogals are soon investigating Valentine's Day and creating a Valentine card of their own.
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When Fee Floogal arrives for another Special Report, the Floogals find themselves taking her on a safari in the garden. But what if the creatures aren't special enough?

The Floogals discover the garden is covered in something cold and white. Where did it come from? While Flo is fascinated to find it's made of tiny, unique crystals, Fleeker and Boomer find you can have a lot of fun with it.

The Floogals head up to the attic where they discover a train set all laid out and, with Boomer unable to resist touching its controls, we're soon into a runaway train scenario with Fleeker and Flo riding on top.

When the Floogals see Mom Hooman very excitedly bring a box down from the attic, they find it full of weird clothes which the children put on. Then the doorbell rings and a small robot and a policeman arrive.

Fee Floogal's special report sees the Floogals investigate Boy Hooman's band practice in the garage. Curious why anyone would play instruments all at the same time, the Floogals form a band of their own to find out.

Having discovered some strange smudges on the hallway mirror, the Floogals discover them everywhere. What are they and where are they coming from? Leading to detective Flo on a case to solve this mystery.

When Boomer crashes his Fizzer into a tree outside, all the leaves fall off, and he assumes he's broken it. Flo notices the leaves on this tree have also changed colour, and some have gone crunchy.

With the Hoomans out on a daytrip to the seaside, the Floogals find themselves investigating a tide pool, only for Boomer to get a little too close for comfort to a barnacle, which sticks itself to his helmet.

Fleeker feels very un-fleekerish so he skips his first ever mission. She and Boomer discover Dad and Girl Hooman are acting off-routine too, and it turns out all three have a thing called 'Flu'.

Boomer's attempt to capture the majesty of his two favourite Floogals is interrupted by the discovery of a weird machine with wheels like a bicycle, but wrapped in tape with lots of pictures of Boy Hooman on it.

The Floogals investigate a First Aid Kit, ending up getting carried inside it to where Dad Hooman is trying to take a splinter out from Girl Hooman's toe. When Dad gives up, they decide to do the 'operation' themselves.

The Floogals discover Mom Hooman cutting off Boy Hooman's hair. Why would she do that? Doesn't he need it? And keen to learn why, the Floogals investigate exactly why hair is so important to Hoomans.

The Floogals investigate Boy Hooman's piggy bank. What's it for, what's inside and how does it make its noise? When they accidentally spill the contents Boomer has to sacrifice his favourite treasure to set things right.

An expedition to Mom Hooman's Lab (the bathroom shelf) goes awry when the Floogals accidentally knock a special bottle of perfume that Girl Hooman has made for her mum down into the wash basin sink.

Fleeker is taken to the Hooman neighbour's house in a tub of fish food and finds a big glass tank of water. Inside, he encounters a strange swimming creature, which he adopts as a pet.

Flo can't get anything to grow in her garden, while the Hoomans' garden is thriving. What is she missing? The Floogals investigate the strange scarecrow the Hoomans have made and how it might be the answer to Flo's problem.

The Floogals are confused by the Girl and Dad Hooman hiding from each other. They worry if the Hoomans get better at finding things, they might find them! To investigate the Floogals try hiding and seeking themselves.

When Girl Hooman appears nervous, due to it being her first day at school, and disappears onto a yellow bus, the Floogals quickly follow after her, keen to return her good-luck charm and get to the bottom of this mystery.

The Floogals are puzzled by this odd, round inflatable thing floating in the Hoomans swimming pool. And having accidentally let the air out, they must now re-inflate it before Girl Hooman returns for her swim.