Fat Pizza: Back In Business
Fat Pizza: Back In Business is a TV show on Seven. Fat Pizza: Back in Business is an Australian comedy series written for television by Maltese-Australian actor, director, and producer Paul Fenech (Swift and Shift Couriers, Bogan Hunters). The show revolves around the work and lives of Pauly Falzoni and his colleagues as they deliver pizzas for Bobo Gigliotti's pizzeria in Sydney, Fat Pizza. Throughout, the team has to deal with all kinds of dangerous encounters, including with aliens, the CIA, and killer kangaroos. Fat Pizza: Back in Business features series creator Paul Fenech as Pauly Falzoni accompanied by a talented cast of national and international actors and actresses. Amongst others, this includes Australian actor and rapper Paul Nakad (Fat Pizza vs Housos, Footy Legends) as David “Sleek the Elite” Arafat, Australian actor and voice-over artist John Boxer (Housos, Underbelly: Badness) as the psychotic owner of Fat Pizza Bobo Gigliotti, and Australian comedian and actor Tahir Bilgiç (Street Smart, Here Come the Habibs) as Habib Halal Habib, a young Arabic drug dealer and friend of Sleek's.
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