Earth's Natural Wonders

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Earth's Natural Wonders

In some of the world's most spectacular natural wonders people push themselves to the limit in order to survive. For the people who call these extraordinary places home, survival requires skill, Ingenuity and bravery. In Brazil, the Kamayurá People of the Xingu Indigenous Park b...

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Season 2
In many of the Earth's Naural wonders there are an abundance of animals. These can be a devastating threat to the people who live there, or they can provide a means of survival, but often at a high price.
Earth's Natural Wonders are parts of the natural world that Nature has carved on such a scale, that they beggar belief. Vast mountain ranges, impenetrable rainforests and dazzling tropical islands. Places where nature is visible at its most primal, most powerful, and most extraordinarily beautiful.
Season 1
In this episode, we tell the stories of natural wonders created by life itself and how they shape the lives of those who call them 'home'. In the Amazon, two nine-year old boys undergo a terrifying rite of passage. In Borneo, a young man must climb vast caves to collect birds' nests. And in the largest mangrove forest in t...
Exploring how Earth's natural wonders created by the awesome and unpredictable power of water and how these places test their inhabitants to the limit. Above Victoria Falls in Zambia, a fisherman and his brothers brave crocodiles, elephants and the risk of being swept to their deaths, to reach fishing pools at the edge of ...
Across our planet there are a handful of places that truly astonish - Mount Everest, the Grand Canyon and Victoria Falls. These Wonders seem to have little in common other than - literally - taking your breath away. But they share one other thing: they pose extraordinary challenges for their inhabitants. This landmark seri...