Dragon Ball Super

Dragon Ball Super is a TV show on ABC Me. The program has been available since 2024. A total of 98 episodes have been broadcast, most recently in July 2024.
Last broadcast:29/07/2024 at 05:24
Last episode

Dragon Ball Super
Summoning Shenron, they learn what the Super Saiyan God is. Rather than a particular person, it is a kindhearted Saiyan who can become one. But transforming into one requires more Saiyans than they have on board.
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When even Buu can't land a hit on Beerus, Vegeta steps in to calm the angry God. The other Z fighters step in, but Beerus proves to be a challenge unlike any other. When he threatens Bulma, will Vegeta finally make his move?

An uninvited guest appears at Bulma's party! Beerus crashes the party and Vegeta is stunned after memories of the God's visit to his home planet plague him. He does the only thing he can - ensure Beerus has a good time!

Goku faces off against Beerus in a hard-hitting battle despite King Kai's best efforts to keep them separate. But is Goku's strongest form enough to take on the God of Destruction?

Bulma's birthday bash has begun! While everyone enjoys the party, Trunks and Goten snoop around the prizes for the bingo tournament. All seven Dragon Balls await the winner but also attract familiar foes - the Pilaf gang!

With a new surge of power, Vegeta attacks Beerus! But it isn't enough. Giving Earth a second chance, Beerus challenges Oolong to rock-paper-scissors. Will Goku arrive in time to help his friends and planet?

Beerus works to find the unbeatable foe in his dream while Supreme Kai tries to keep information about Beerus from Goku. Unfortunately, Beerus is already planning to visit the Saiyan and test his strength.

While Goku gets to spend his time training on King Kai's planet, Vegeta is on a family vacation! But this brooding prince would rather spend his time getting stronger than on bonding.

Goku and Jiren are at the end of their ropes as the clock winds down! Will the 7th Universe finally emerge victorious?!

Peace has settled on Earth, and unfortunately for Goku, that means getting a job! But a generous gift may change that. Meanwhile, Trunks and Goten seek a pre-wedding gift for Videl.

Goku fights for everyone dear to him. Jiren fights only for himself. Overwhelmed and on the verge of defeat, Jiren's resolve is reignited. He'll stop at nothing to prevent his past from repeating!

Once again, Goku ascends to new heights. As Ultra Instinct takes over, now it's a matter of whether surpassing his own limits is enough to surpass Jiren!

Following Android 17's sacrifice, the remaining Saiyans need time to recover. As Goku rests, Vegeta takes it upon himself to challenge Jiren one on one!

Jiren is all that remains between the 7th Universe and victory. But with Frieza out for the count and Vegeta low on stamina, how will they compare to one who values strength above all else?

Both sides are becoming more and more desperate. Top has given up everything to survive! Vegeta gives up nothing! In the end, who will be looking down on whom?!

Because of the 7th Universe's numbers advantage, Android 17 hopes to run out the clock. When Frieza comes over to provide support, Top is forced to rethink his motivations and will unleash a familiar destructive power!

Frieza and Dyspo's duel is accelerating out of control! As Frieza gets pushed back, Gohan enters the mix in hopes of getting a quick elimination.

Jiren shrugs off even the strongest individual attacks! However, can the combined strength of Goku and Vegeta stand up against his immense power?

Only two universes remain! The strongest of the 7th Universe are pitted against the strongest of the 11th Universe. As the tournament nears its end, it's time for the combatants to push themselves above and beyond!

The 3rd Universe activates its secret final weapon! The 7th Universe will need to combine all their strength if they hope to defeat this quadruple-fused foe!