Chuck And The First People's Kitchen

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Chuck And The First People's Kitchen

Chuck meets Abenaki Luc in Odanak to fish and smoke sturgeon, the symbol of the community.

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Season 2
Chuck travels to Gesgapegiag where he harvests clams on the beach and makes a seafood clambake.
Chuck visits Mashteuiatsh to fish landlocked salmon, a symbol of the community.
The Wildlife Reserve of La Verendrye is the meeting point Tommy Labelle has given Chuck to go hunt wild turkey.
Chuck visits Becancour where he harvests fiddleheads and Odanak where he cooks a traditional Sagamite soup.
Chuck visits the community of Pikogan where he goes fishing for pike.
In Wolf Lake, Chuck learns how to trap a beaver and cooks it with stuffing.
Chuck travels to Wemotaci where he traps a hare and carves up a moose.
Chuck visits Rapid Lake where he goes ice fishing.
Chuck travels to Ontario to meet Norman, an expert in nature interpretation for the French River area.
In Kahnawake, Chuck visits the community garden and learns the virtues of strawberries and corn.
Chuck learns about urban foraging and cooking traditional foods from Montreal's indigenous communities.
Chuck travels to Temiscamingue and joins the Wild Basket, an initiative that brings traditional foraging techniques to future generations.
Season 1
Chuck visits Scotchfort where he fishes and cook eel.
Chuck is invited in Miawpukek for a moose hunt with community members.
Chuck visits Wikwemikong and experiences wild rice recipes.
Chuck visits Toronto and learn more about urban Indigenous kitchen.
Chuck visits Six Nations where he learns how to make the 'Tree Sisters' soup.
Chuck visits Manawan where he learns how to make blueberry paste, and hunt partridge.
Chuck visits Waswanipi where he fishes and cook walleye.