Chatham Islanders

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Chatham Islanders

The land and the sea is everything on the Chatham Islands. Looking after the land and the sea and also each other is an essential part of life on this isolated archipelago.

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Season 1
The main Chatham Island is the big smoke for the 46 inhabitants of Pitt Island. There are no shops, no gas stations and it's a whole different world.
Living on a rock in the middle of the ocean 800 kilometres from Aotearoa means the islanders have to be resilient, and over the years looking out for each other has become a way of life.
These remote islands have a profoundly beautiful and devastatingly sad history that is still felt today.
The Chatham Island archipelago is 45 minutes ahead and 800 kilometres east of Aotearoa. The land and the sea and the people are ruggedly beautiful.