Brothers In Arms

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Brothers In Arms

It's Eli's time to shine, as he leads the team in crafting an AK-47 with interchangeable barrels and helps restore a client's WWI Lee Enfield Rifle.

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Season 1
Rocco wants to create a powerful black powder bazooka. Additionally, he tasks the team with reinforcing a WWII motorcycle with a new sidecar with mounted assault rifle.
Rocco wants to create a 21-barrel flintlock that fires all shots simultaneously. Also featured are a M1903 Springfield Rifle and Doc Holliday's Derringer.
Rocco and Eli surprise the team with a Civil War Gatling gun and tasks them with making it hand-held and mobile. Also featured is a 16th Century Wall Gun and a WWII Liberator.
Featured in this episode are a 1930s-era Tommy Gun which is to be dedicated to a group of military vets; a WWII flamethrower; and a 1851 Colt Revolver.
Rocco pitches the crazy idea to construct a suppressor for a Revolutionary War Cannon. A Banditos client tasks the team with reviving his Browning M1919 Machine Gun.
Rocco and Eli restore a Cold War Tank that's been inoperable for over 30 years. They also create their own version of a Blunderbuss and help identify a Japanese WWII explosive.