Arctic Secrets

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Arctic Secrets

On the north-east coast of Baffin Island, in Canada's Arctic, lies Ninginganiq, a blustery wilderness where only the intrepid travel.

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Season 1
Nunavik, meaning 'Great Land', is bigger than California. It is a pristine wilderness of water, forest, and tundra, and home to the Inuit of Northern Quebec.
The Western Arctic's mammoth Mackenzie Delta is the second largest in North America after the Mississippi. It is a biological transition zone - from the boreal forest to the ever frozen tundra.
Devon Island is the largest uninhabited island in the world. It's so remote and forbidding that when scientists wanted to simulate living conditions on Mars, they chose Devon.
Over millennia, the Arctic's inhabitants have evolved to survive in a challenging but stable and predictable world. Now, they must rapidly adapt to a new and constantly changing environment.