Remarkable Places To EatSeason 3, Episode 3 - Rome

  • Season 3Episode 3
  • Playback time47:04
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Remarkable Places To Eat

Remarkable Places To Eat is a TV show on SBS ONE. Remarkable Places to Eat is a British food and travel miniseries that was created for television and broadcast on BBC Two. Each episode, French maître d'hotel and television presenter Fred Sirieix (First Dates, Million Pound Menu) visits the world's leading chefs as they take him to the restaurants where they themselves love to eat. In the process, they explain what the places mean to them and what makes them so special. Remarkable Places to Eat is not just about eating, but about hospitality, tradition, and culture all over the world. Sirieix travels all over, from enjoying cake and schnitzels with food writer Rachel Khoo in Vienna to a trip through time at Paris' oldest restaurant with Britain's first three-star Michelin chef Michel Roux, to take a viewers on a gastronomic trip full of discoveries, surprises, and wonderful stories. The program has been available since 2024. A total of 6 episodes have been broadcast, most recently in March 2024.

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