Judge Jerry

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Judge Jerry

Rachel is suing Daniel, for $2,000. She says she loaned Daniel $1,500 for his cat to have a sex-change operation, and $500 to put down a car deposit.

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Season 1
The plaintiff is suing the defendant for $1,200 for the cost of a Yorkie!
A man sues his ex-wife for a propane gas bill and rent.
A mother sues her own daughter for an unpaid furniture loan. The daughter says she was up to date on the payments and her mother is just vindictive.
Two former business partners get entangled in a dispute over a $5000 loan given to help pay rent.
Plaintiff is suing the defendant for the sale of one sick puppy. However the defendant claims the puppy had a clean bill of health prior to the sale.
The plaintiff is suing for property damage but the defendant maintains that this is all a ploy to squeeze him out of money he does NOT owe!
It's a case of catfish as the plaintiff believes he was tricked by a woman he met online and is suing her for over $4,000 for loan payments.
Season 3
Going to court has never been this entertaining. All rise for "Judge Jerry," with gavel in hand, handing down verdicts with his signature wit and wisdom.
Going to court has never been this entertaining. All rise for "Judge Jerry," with gavel in hand, handing down verdicts with his signature wit and wisdom.