The Real Housewives Of DallasSeason 5, Episode 6 - Another One Bites the Crust

  • Season 5Episode 6

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The Real Housewives Of Dallas

The Real Housewives Of Dallas is a TV show on 9Life. The Real Housewives of Dallas, also known in its abbreviated form RHOD, is an American reality television series that was produced by Emmy Award-winning media production company Good Pictures for Bravo. The show represents the ninth instalment of the hugely popular The Real Housewives franchise, and focuses on the personal and professional lives of several women living in the city of Dallas, Texas. Several of The Real Housewives of Dallas cast members have gone on to become media personalities in the United States. These include American actress Tiffany Hendra (Survivor: Micronesia – Fans vs. Favorites, Black Tie Nights), Brandi Redmond, and LeeAnne Locken. The show also features several friends of the leading personalities, includin Marie Reyes, Jennifer Davis Long, and in later seasons, former RHOD cast member Cary Deuber. The program has been available since 2022. A total of 13 episodes have been broadcast, most recently in June 2022.