Sally & Possum

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Sally & Possum

It's what is inside that's important, but the outside of a present may look good too. Possum learns more about wrapping things up nicely. Now, what is he going to do with Sally's spanner?

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Season 6
Friends are very important and a surprise party is a good way to thank them. But who is going to be surprised at this party?
Skip has been working on something amazing and now it is time to see it in action. But Possum has been busy too. Watch carefully!
Finger spelling is good for showing people words. Possum knows Auslan signs and lots of finger spelling words. Now Possum School is on again and he is learning to write some words in English too.
Half an hour is a long time for Possum to wait for food. What a good time to learn about telling the time and about clocks. The pie must be ready by now!
Hey! What happened to the ice in Possum's drink? Is this another case for Police Officer Possum? Or does Possum need to learn more about how things change?