Julia Zemiro's Home Delivery

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Julia Zemiro's Home Delivery

Julia Zemiro is in Melbourne with Gillian Triggs, an academic, lawyer and social justice advocate.

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Season 9
After nine glorious series Home Delivery has come to an end and in a fitting finale it's Julia Zemiro herself who is road tripping back into her past. (Final)
Stephen Page, artistic director of one of Australia's most celebrated performing arts companies, takes Julia on an emotional journey through his career achievements, the strength of his family and what the future may bring.
Australia's original queen of pop, Marcia Hines, takes Julia on a tour around Sydney, telling her incredible stories of success, resilience, loss and laughter.
After a decade of memories, surprise revelations and magnificent vehicles, it's the final season of Home Delivery. One of Australia's most recognisable faces, journalist Ray Martin takes Julia back to his humble beginnings.