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Boomer is looking for trinkets to add to his treasure collection when Dad Hooman comes out into the garden with a strange machine. The Floogals work out that it's a metal detector and try to find something themselves.

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Season 2
Puzzled as to why Boy Hooman is telling Scruffy to sit down and stay all the time, the Floogals investigate dog training, and are soon having to train Scruffy themselves, ready for the local dog show.
What is that funny walk Mom and Dad Hooman just did? The Floogals having witnessed them dancing together. With Boomer as dance instructor, the Floogals now try to master this dance themselves.
Investigating a padlock hanging from the garden shed, the Floogals manage to get themselves locked inside it, and must figure out how padlocks work in order to escape.
When the Hoomans' house goes suddenly dark due to a power outage, the Floogals begin to investigate exactly why everything in the house has stopped working.
When Boomer ends up marooned on a small island in the park, he befriends a duck, who Boomer believes to be trapped also. Though in figuring out their escape, Boomer learns that there's more to this bird than meets the eye.
Suspicious as to why all the pillows in the Hoomans' house have disappeared, the Floogals trace them to a pillow fort in the Living-Room. What could it be for? The trio, even more puzzled to discover a hooman inside.
With Boomer's personal project to collect every single animal sound, complete, imagine his dismay on hearing a hoot-hoot in the middle of the night.
The Floogals find an incubator full of eggs. When the eggs hatch, the chicks escape. The Floogals have to round them up, Fleeker finding the last one whilst Boomer pretends to hatch from an empty egg to fool Girl Hooman.
A Fee Floogal visit sees the Floogals enounter the Hoomans and puzzled to see them involved in various fitness activities.
Girl Hooman has a wobbly tooth. The Floogals find this most peculiar. And, when the tooth falls out and Girl Hooman puts it under her pillow, the Floogals are determined to find out why.
What could Girl Hooman be making? And why is there a heart shape on everything? The Floogals are soon investigating Valentine's Day and creating a Valentine card of their own.
Drawn to an unusual snipping sound, the Floogals discover Mom Hooman cutting off Boy Hooman's hair. Why would she do that? Keen to learn why, the Floogals investigate exactly why hair is so important to Hoomans.
When Fee Floogal arrives for another Special Report, the Floogals find themselves taking her on a safari in the garden. But what if the creatures aren't special enough?
The Floogals discover the garden is covered in something cold and white. Where did it come from? While Flo is fascinated to find it's made of tiny, unique crystals, Fleeker and Boomer find you can have a lot of fun with it.
The Floogals head up to the attic where they discover a train set all laid out and, with Boomer unable to resist touching its controls, we're soon into a runaway train scenario with Fleeker and Flo riding on top.